Altered Art--Cherry Blossoms Altered Tin

Altered Art--Cherry Blossoms Altered Tin

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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Article by guest blogger, Roni Johnson.

If you’re anything like me, you hate to throw anything away that could be turned into art. A perfect example is my Cherry Blossoms altered tin.

 Cherry Blossoms altered tin

One item I hoard most are containers: Round cheese boxes (to create mini albums), cereal boxes (for ATCs), and candy tins (which work for just about anything). Depending on the size and shape of your salvaged tin, you can turn them into travel games, pendants, miniature pieces of art, or mini tool, sewing or first aid kits. There are so many uses for these tins, I can’t imagine ever throwing one away!


1. Begin by sanding the outside of the box. This provides "tooth" for the adhesives to grab onto.

2. Trace the tin lid onto a piece of card stock and trim.

3. Since the exterior of the tin will be handled frequently, I find a super sticky tape, such as Tear it! Tape (Imagine), Magic Tape, Red Line Tape, etc., works best for adhering the card stock to the tin surface. Remove the backing from the tape and adhere the card stock to the lid.

4. Sand the edges of the card stock.

5. Gather embellishments for your tin. (All papers and embellishments from the Cherry Blossoms collection.) Use stickers, stamped or printed images, text--let your imagination run wild! Embellish the tin using your favorite adhesive.

6. Don’t forget to embellish the sides of the tin, too! Apply super sticky tape to adhere a border strip along the bottom half of the tin. Add tape along the lip of the lid and coat with glitter. Glitter Tip – After pressing the glitter into the sticky tape, use your finger to apply a thin layer of Bookbinding Glue directly over the glitter surface. Let dry. The BB glue seals it, significantly reducing the mess normally associated with glitter.

 Cherry Blossoms altered tin

7. Trace the lid onto one or more pieces of cards tock; trim to fit inside (to line the inside of lid and bottom of tin). Bookbinding Glue works great to adhere the inside liners since they won’t be handled nearly as much as the outside of the tin.

8. Embellish interior and exterior as desired.

 Cherry Blossoms altered tin

 Cherry Blossoms altered tin

I hope you enjoy this TIN-tastic project!

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