I just love the Sunflowers collection! I couldn't wait to dig into my kits and start making pages. Once the pages were all assembled, I had no trouble finding the perfect photos to go with them. I had the Lite pages done in a snap!
Layout 1 & 2
These photos my friend Susie took of Emma and her friends at a local farm and pumpkin patch were ideal for these Sunflowers pages.
Layout 3 & 4

Isn't the Cutapart sentiment great with these pics?
Layout 5 & 6
I can always count on Susie to share some really cool photos with me. She recently took the girls to the park near our house. The late day sun created some stunning effects in the photos that paired perfectly with the Sunflowers sentiments.

Layout 7 & 8

I still had plenty of photos left, so I finished up eight of the Deluxe ALSB pages, too!
Layout 1 & 2
Layout 3 & 4

This photo cracks me up!
Layout 5 & 6

This phrase really compliments the photo of the girls with the sun setting behind them. It's like it was meant to be!

Layout 7 & 8

What will you scrap on the Sunflowers collection?