Holiday Mail page kit: How warm holiday memories are made.

Holiday Mail page kit: How warm holiday memories are made.

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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Our family has strong postal ties, so I just love anything associated with old letters, postage stamps, postcards, etc. It should come as no surprise the Holiday Mail page kit was an instant favorite.

Since Christmas 2018 is rapidly approaching, I thought it high time I scrap photos from last Christmas, and these pages were ideal for the occasion.

Holiday Mail Page Kit

Layouts 1 & 2Holiday Mail page kit - Layouts by Karen Wyngaard #clubscrap #scrapbooking #pageformulas #pagekits
Layouts 3 & 4Holiday Mail page kit - Layouts by Karen Wyngaard #clubscrap #scrapbooking #pageformulas #pagekits
Layouts 5 & 6Holiday Mail page kit - Layouts by Karen Wyngaard #clubscrap #scrapbooking #pageformulas #pagekits
Layouts 7 & 8Holiday Mail page kit - Layouts by Karen Wyngaard #clubscrap #scrapbooking #pageformulas #pagekits

I didn't have to add a gosh-darned thing to these pages, except a bit of journaling. They're perfect as-is. Gotta love that!

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