An Easy Eight Album with Tropical flair.

An Easy Eight Album with Tropical flair.

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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Earlier this month, Tricia taught the Easy Eight Album as an online virtual workshop. The original project and instructions feature Club Scrap's Under the Sea collection. Excited by the amazing potential of this handmade album, I decided to recreate the project using the November 2021 Tropicale Page Kit.

Tropicale Easy Eight Album

To replicate my project, gather a Tropicale Page kit and an Easy Eight Album Components kit.

First, you'll need to make substitutions for the papers as noted in the project instructions. (I'll list the exact paper substitutions I used at the end of this post.) Next, follow the instructions to trim and sort the papers. Once all of the trimming is complete, use Tricia's Under the Sea completed page samples as a guide for the Tropicale version. 

Please note: The Tropicale Cutaparts are different from the Under the Sea version. During the page assembly process, I rearranged some of the cut elements, using them in different locations than Tricia. I also did my own thing when it came time to trim some of the 3.5x12" pieces.

Are you ready for a tour of the finished book?

Layout 1 & 2

Layout 3 & 4

Layout 5 & 6

Layout 7 & 8

If you like this project, but prefer to follow directions exactly, the Easy Eight Album Class Along Kit (featuring the Under the Sea collection) is still available in limited quantities. However, if you're like me, and are open to a bit of customization, you can recreate this awesome handmade album using any CS® Page Kit. The size of the album makes it totally portable, and perfect for documenting a special occasion or vacation.

Happy crafting!

Paper Substitutions

  1. (2) Aqua = (2) Blue
  2. (2) Sea Green = (2) Orange
  3. Whale Print = Collage Print
  4. Octopus Print = Large Leaf Print
  5. Octopus Print = Large Leaf Print
  6. Whale Print = Collage Print
  7. Deep Blue = Green
  8. Deep Blue = Green
  9. Aqua Metallic = Teal
  10. Aqua Metallic = Teal

Assembly Tips

  1. The Tropicale cutaparts ARE different from Under the Sea. Regardless of which page kit you choose to make your album, be sure to use the printed artwork on the cutaparts as your guide.
  2. In the case of #7 Green and #10 Teal, I cut an 8.5x11 from each 12x12. I trimmed the leftover 3.5x12" pieces differently than Tricia shows in her instructions.
  3. I did NOT utilize the bonus first and last pages.

Easy Eight Album Components

Easy Eight Album Components

$5.09 $16.95

Pair the Easy Eight Album Components with any Club Scrap Page Kit to make a handmade scrapbook, ready for photos. (A few additional materials and tools will be required.) The album features an 11x8.5" landscape design, and the completed project… Read More

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