Members: Have you downloaded your Golden Hour Bonus Formula yet? This tool is an amazing resource. Club Scrap not only helps you use up the kits we send, but also helps you make use of what you already have. It's time to dig into that stash of paper!
This month's formula has enough mats for 15 photos. Take a look at the finished sketch below:

I have so many photos that look amazing on the Golden Hour collection, I created two additional 2-page spreads using the November Bonus Page Formula.
Golden Hour Bonus Formula - Layout #1
For the first set of pages, I used the following papers: Card Print (Paper A), Purple Plain (B), Tapestry Green (C - from stash) and two Light Orange (D). Here's the finished layout:

Rotate the left page 90 degrees. Add cutapart re-sized and printed from the Golden Hour hybrid kit.

Add a hybrid printable sentiment and handmade journaling box to the right page. Crop a photo to span across two 2.75" square mats on the bottom left.

Layout #2
For the second pair of pages, I used the following papers: Yellow Plain (Paper A), Light Orange (B), Purple (C) and two Dark Orange (D). Here's the completed 2-page spread featuring my dad's nature photos. He took some really fantastic shots!

Resize the "beautiful" hybrid printable to 6.25" wide. Trim to 5.75" to remove the rounded edges; mat with purple (Golden Hour Pack of Panels). Add a strip of Van Gogh washi tape to the left side of the vertical border strip for added interest.

Rotate the right page 90 degrees. Space the 2.75" squares so ribbon fits between the two center mats. Add a strip of washi tape to the lower third of the double mat, top with a hybrid printable sentiment.

What do you think? It's hard to tell I used the same formula for both sets of pages, especially when they'll likely end up in different scrapbooks.
If you're not a current member, be sure to check out the large collection of page formulas available in our hybrid store. Downloads are available immediately at the time of purchase, so you'll be scrappin' that stash in no time!