Club Scrap's bonus page formulas are a member's best friend. When you take the guesswork out of "Where do I start?", things just come together in the most magical way. The Geodes bonus formula is no exception.

After completing my page kit layouts, I still had photos left over from my most recent "9 cent prints sale" order. Bonus Page Formula to the rescue! Gather five sheets of paper, trim three according to the instructions, then arrange according to the diagram. Boom - two pages done in less than 15 minutes! I chose the Geodes Card Kit print and some plains from the collection. I love that these pages will coordinate with the others, but no prints are repeated.
Sometimes I use the layouts exactly as shown, but more often than not, small changes make the pages my own. For example, after assembly, I swapped the left and right pages.

Resized printable artwork from the Geodes Hybrid Kit fit the 2x2" squares, as well as the open space on the left page.

On the right, I made a journaling box from a white scrap to tell the story. (My grid ruler and lightly-drawn pencil lines keep my handwriting from going "downhill".)

Layouts made using this formula will hold eight or more photos. Now THAT'S how you fill those scrapbooks!
Members: I encourage you to download and/or print your bonus page formulas every month. I keep mine in a binder for instant inspiration.
Not a member? No worries, we have dozens of page formulas available for purchase in our hybrid store - enough to keep you scrapping for hours on end!
Happy scrapping!