Experience the depth and charm of the ocean with our newest special release kit: Under the Sea Remix. Dive into a world teeming with majestic whales and whimsical octopuses, capturing the essence of underwater wonders in every page.
Members: This is a special release collection and will not ship automatically. If you'd like, you can choose "ship with my next kit" at checkout, and we'll be sure to include it in your next box.
Under the Sea Remix Page Kit
Here's a quick visual tour of what you'll find in the collection.
Scroll down to take a closer look at the eight pages you'll make when you follow the printable instructions included with purchase. In addition, I'll guide you through the assembly process. A link to my video workshop is provided in the instructions document.
Layouts 1 & 2
Start things off right a darling, sparkly starfish gem! I find a few dabs of our Bookbinding Glue are just perfect for adhering them to the paper.
Layouts 3 & 4
I didn't have the heart to hide even a tiny smidge of the octopus on the print, so I did my quick little craft knife trick. Temporarily place the nested journaling prompt in its preferred spot and make marks where the edge of the prompt touches the edge of the octopus. Cut from mark to mark, and slide the paper under the octopus. Works like a charm!
Layouts 5 & 6
Punch the 1" circle from the Cutapart sheet and pop it into the silver cabochon setting. A little dab of glue ensures it stays in place. Top it with the epoxy sticker and add a piece of white waxed cord or thread on each hanging loop.
Layouts 7 & 8
At the beginning of the workshop video, I'll show you how to prepare the torn sections from the Whale Print. Add one section to the right side of the page and top with nested cutaparts. Add the laser cut shell, a silver cabochon setting, and finish with a fussy-cut turtle added with foam adhesive.
If the deep waters of the Under the Sea Remix aren't right for you, no problem. This is a special release and it won't be delivered unless requested.
Members, place your orders now, and when you choose "ship with my next kit", we'll add this gorgeous collection to your next monthly box!
Under the Sea Remix Page Kit

Kit includes all of the supplies needed to complete eight fully-embellished 12x12 scrapbook pages. Just add a trimmer, scissors and adhesive. Learn more on the blog: https://clubscrap.com/a/blog/under-the-sea-remix Includes: (4) 12x12 Prints: 2 ea. Octopus Print, Whale Print(3) 12x12 Green… Read More