Club Scrap's page formula downloads are one of the best tools available to crafters. So much more than a page sketch, each provides trimming and assembly instructions to create a two-page spread. These gems will save you time and help you preserve memories with supplies from your stash. Each is designed to eliminate creative block and maximize the number of photos showcased on each two-page spread. Little to no embellishment is needed to complete pages quickly and easily.
Once you've decided on a formula, the next step is to choose papers as outlined in the gather list. If you're unsure about colors or patterns, use the grayscale sketch as a guide for selecting light, medium or dark tones. As a rule of thumb, choose just one print (or patterned) paper to trim. Alternatively, you may wish to feature two prints as the base of your layout.
Complete the trimming and sorting process, then dry fit the pieces according to the sketch. Before cropping, test fit your photos to make sure you're satisfied with the arrangement. At this point, you might choose to tweak the layout to better suit your photos.
Choosing a Sketch
After downloading the 2024 Page Formulas, I scrolled through the sketch images to choose one that best fit my photos, making note of the total photo count and orientation of each.
To demonstrate how easily the pages come together, I picked two different formulas. I wanted to feature one each of the two prints from the Heartstrings collection, so I let the colors in each print guide me when choosing coordinating papers from my stash.
April 2024
I chose the Single Heart Print for Paper B. Why? It's trimmed into just two pieces - the artwork was easily divided visually to create a nice focal point.
The lightest paper, Ivory, serves as the base of the layout (Paper D). For the remaining papers, I chose Lt. Pink (the next lightest tone one the sketch - Paper A) along with Lt. Blue (Paper C) to really pull out the blues in the print.
The beauty of pages created this way is that they are SO versatile. Even after the trimmed pieces are adhered, you can easily rotate the entire page 90-180 degrees to achieve a different look. Or swap the left and right pages, like I did!
August 2024
For this layout, I used the following paper assignments: Pink (Paper A). Multi-Heart Print (B), Dk. Blue (C), Dk. Gray (D) and two Lt. Blue for the base (Paper E).
Again, the print was easily divided into the two largest pieces, serving as a focal point on each side of the layout. A bit of rearranging of the trimmed elements, and rotating the right side 90 degrees produced the layout below.
I hope my finished pages inspire you to give our formulas a try. Purchase, download and print them to create an invaluable resource for yourself. No more creative block! Simply flip through your options, follow the trimming and assembly instructions to easily crank out layout after layout.
To test-drive our page formulas, visit our online store to browse the huge selection available for immediate download.
Save 15% on all downloadable page (and card) formulas through 02.11.25.
2024 Page Formulas

THIS IS A DIGITAL PRODUCT SENT VIA EMAIL Make a minimum of 24 scrapbook pages! Download includes TWELVE 2-page formulas with cutting and assembly instructions designed to work with 12x12 papers. So much more than a page sketch, our formulas… Read More