Architectural Elements Bonus Formula - Two ways.

Architectural Elements Bonus Formula - Two ways.

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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Members: Have you downloaded your February Bonus Formula yet? This incredible tool is just one of the many benefits of a Club Membership. It's main purpose is to help you put a dent in that sizable stash of paper - I'm guessing you have one? You can also pair the each formula with papers from the collection to supplement your Page Kit layouts each month.

Not sure where to find it? Check your inbox for your member-exclusive email with important links to the bonus formula, instructions, video tutorials and more. It is sent to active members* on their scheduled shipping day and looks like this:

*An active member is defined as one who paid for and received the current monthly kit.

February Page Formula Sketch

Architectural Elements Bonus Formula Sketch

The February Formula creates a well-balanced two-page spread to showcase at least eleven photos from just FIVE sheets of paper.

Utilizing our formulas is easy: Gather the number of papers indicated, trim and sort them according to the step-by-step instructions, and assemble the finished layout as directed by the sketch.

Architectural Elements Bonus Layout - Karen

To replicate my two-page spread, gather the following Architectural Elements papers: Merlot (Paper A), Dk. Gray (B), Card Print (C) and two Lt. Gray form the base of the two-page spread (Paper D).

To maintain a more "formal" feel for my legacy photos, I skipped the step of rounding the corners of select panels. The page on the right is rotated 90 degrees (counter-clockwise), as I had more vertical than horizontal photos.

Rather than crop photos into small squares, embellish each with Silver Medallions (Card Kit).

In lieu of two smaller photos, a single vertical photo spans the space created by the twin double mats.

Bonus Formula Pages - Tricia

To recreate Tricia's pages, use the following paper assignments: Card Print (Paper A), Lt. Gray (B), Merlot (C) and two Dk. Gray (Paper D). Just like the sketch sample, Tricia chose to add interest to select corners of the trimmed panels with the 3-in-1 Corner Rounder.

As you can see, Tricia rotated the right page 90 degrees clockwise so the trio of mats have a vertical orientation across the top of the page.

Note: Even though Tricia and I used the exact same color papers, we assigned them differently. That difference, plus the fact that we scrapped photos from two completely different occasions, the completed pages feel unique.

The February bonus formula requires just five sheets of paper and comes together in minutes! The trimming and assembly instructions can be used again and again to make pages with paper and supplies you already have on hand.

Have you scrapped the Architectural Elements Bonus Formula yet? Inspire others by sharing your work on the Club Scrap Chat Facebook group. Hope to "see" you there!

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