Metallic Mask Gelli Prints

Metallic Mask Gelli Prints

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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Inspired by Tricia's Twin Tags Retreat workshop, I pulled out my gelli plate this weekend. Along with various masks, stencils and metallic paints, I had a blast creating a huge batch of art panels.


After letting them dry thoroughly, I sorted through the pile, grabbed a few favorite rubber stamps and created some greeting cards.


In addition to masks and stencils, I used a strip of drywall tape I had left over from the Art Journal workshop to add texture to the gel plate before making an impression. In a happy accident, the paint dried onto the drywall tape, presenting me with a beautiful metallic accent for another card!

Drywall tape textured background.

Painted drywall tape used as decorative accent.

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Stop back for Wednesday's blog hop and I'll share some more artful creations made from my other gel plate art panels.

Wishing you a creative day!

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